Are you interested in discovering the nearest IHOP restaurant location around you? Interestingly, this is the right place to be. With the help of this page, you will understand more about the IHOP services, how you can know their hours, and how to acquire coupons.
For the sake of fresher that have no knowledge about the IHOP restaurants, we will help share with you the company’s menu and how they operate. Not only that- but, you will get to discover the various places where you can find IHOP restaurants in the United State.
Apart from restaurants in the U.S.
the IHOP restaurant has 1,822 locations. Such restaurants are located in places like; Canada, Mexico, Thailand, India, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Lebanon, Panama, and Guatemala.
In addition, IHOP has so many franchises worldwide and there are only about 159 IHOP restaurants that are owned and run by the company.
IHOP Locations in the United States
At this present time, the company headquarters is found in Glendale, California. Also, there are up to 1,650 IHOP restaurants locations in the U.S. below are the list of the number of restaurants located in each state in America;
Alabama: 19 restaurants
Arkansas: 17 restaurants
Arizona: 45 restaurants
California: 234 restaurants
Colorado: 37 restaurants
Connecticut: 9 restaurants
DC: 2 restaurants
Delaware: 7 restaurants
Florida: 143 restaurants
Georgia: 80 restaurants
Hawaii: 8 restaurants
Iowa: 12 restaurants
Idaho: 9 restaurants
Illinois: 52 restaurants
Indiana: 24 restaurants
Kansas: 32 restaurants
Kentucky: 10 restaurants
Louisiana: 31 restaurants
Massachusetts: 21 restaurants
Maryland: 52 restaurants
Maine: 4 restaurants
Michigan: 27 restaurants
Minnesota: 9 restaurants
Missouri: 31 restaurants
Mississippi: 13 restaurants
Montana: 5 restaurants
North Carolina: 54 restaurants
North Dakota: 2 restaurants
Nebraska: 8 restaurants
New Hampshire: 6 restaurants
New Jersey: 47 restaurants
Nevada: 23 restaurants
New Mexico: 22 restaurants
New York: 62 restaurants
Others include:
Ohio: 38 restaurants
Oklahoma: 34 restaurants
Oregon: 9 restaurants
Pennsylvania: 26 restaurants
Rhode Island: 5 restaurants
South Carolina: 33 restaurants
South Dakota: 2 restaurants
Tennessee: 41 restaurants
Texas: 206 restaurants
Utah: 21 restaurants
Virginia: 65 restaurants
Vermont: 1 restaurant
Washington: 31 restaurants
Wisconsin: 15 restaurants
West Virginia: 8 restaurants
Wyoming: 3 restaurants.
In all, the IHOD restaurants are quite popular in cities such as; Las Vegas, Kansas City, Orlando, Tucson, New York, Tulsa, Atlanta, and Framingham.
How to Locate IHOP Location Nearest to Me
For this purpose, we have designed a map that can help you with your search, this map has also been equipped with features that can ensure you locate the nearest IHOP restaurants that are nearest to your area.
With this map you will be able to achieve the following function;
- Locate a Specific IHOP Restaurant of Interest: once you navigate to the map, you will be able to locate a specific IHOP location of interest. This is by discovering the red icon on the map. Each of these icons represents a specific IHOP location. With this in mind, you can choose the restaurant that is convenient and closest to you.
- Change Area of the Map: with this map, you will be able to change the area of the map. For instance, if the area of the display map is not the right area, you can change it. To achieve this, go to the map and click on the “View Larger Map” located at the upper-left side of the map. After that, access the right area in the map and click on the “Search This Area” button. From there you can locate the nearest IHOP location around you.
- Get Information of a Specific IHOP Restaurant of Interest: this map allows you to get more information’s about your chosen location. For this purpose, select a particular location by clicking on the red icon. Afterward, you will see a small tab on the map that contains some information about the restaurants. This includes the name of the restaurants, address, and their average rating.
Create Route for a Specific IHOP Restaurants of Interest:
this map allows you to set up a route to the location you have chosen. For this purpose, click on the restaurant of your choice. After that, click on the “Directions” button found on the upper- left side of the map. You will then be able to set your starting of the journey and chose your best route.
- Save Selected IHOP Locations with Google Account: you can save any IHOP location of your choice by clicking on a specific icon. After that, click on the “Save” button found at the upper-left side of the map. This will help you in accessing the location on your Google map app for future purposes.
Read reviews of a Specific IHOP Restaurant:
For this purpose, select your chosen restaurant and then click on the “No. reviews” button at the upper- left side of the map. You will be able to read customers’ reviews at this point.
- Know Hours of a Specific IHOP Restaurant of Interest: just click on the specific location and then click on the “View Larger Map” found on the upper- left side of the map. Now you will be able to see the company hours.
Nonetheless, if you find the map difficult for you to use, you will be able to find the nearest IHOP location around you by visiting the company’s websites. Then, use your zip- code to find the nearest IHOP location.
Popular IHOP Hours in the United States
- Mondays to Thursdays & Sundays: from 6:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Fridays and Saturdays: from 6:30 A.M. to 12:00 A.M.
- Monday to Thursday & Sunday: from 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. Fridays and Saturdays: open 24 hours.
- Every day: open 24 hours.
- Mondays to Thursdays & Sundays: from 6:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. Fridays and Saturdays: from 6:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M.
Other Information’s on IHOP Restaurants
The IHOP restaurant which its full name is International House of Pancake is a restaurant that offers fast- food services like pancakes in American. The restaurant was first founded in 1658 in Los Angeles, California. With this service, you can be able to get served with breakfast, lunch, and even dinner at any given time.
IHOP Express
The IHOP Express is a part of the normal IHOP restaurants. This service offers a chain of fast-food versions. The only difference with the express is that you won’t be served by a waitress. Rather, you will make your order via the counter and then your meals will be served to you and there are fewer available menus. Also, with the express, you can get your meal at a lower fee. Although, not all IHOP food menu is available for express
There are several available meals in IHOP restaurants worldwide. I will suggest that you visit their websites. Then, you will get to discover several meals ranges from omelets, pancakes, waffles, and a lot more. However, there are more than 60 amazing meals available for customers to choose from.