When you want to go for credit cards for bad credit no deposit, it is most times very difficult to get. Most of the unsecured credit cards will want a security deposit for approval. With this, they are way better than secured credit cards. But if you must go credit cards for bad credit no deposit, you should be ready to face stiff conditions. The requirements are most times tough to handle.
They include;
- Higher fee
- Limited spending power,
- Difficulty in extending your credit limit By paying More
- The Credit Runs below $500 in most cases.
To guide you on how to maintain a low or lesser cost, we decided to bring you the list of best credit cards for bad credit no deposit instant approval. We took the time to enlist the best card for you.
These cards bring you the lowest bad rate and fees you can ever imagine.
Best Credit Cards For Bad Credit No Deposit
- Firstly, Credit One Bank® Platinum Visa® for Rebuilding Credit – No Deposit
- Milestone® MasterCard® – Less Than Perfect Credit Considered – Bad Credit
- Also, Fingerhut Credit Account – No Checking Account Needed
- Again, Total VISA® Credit Card – Instant Approval
- Official NASCAR® Credit Card from Credit One Bank® – No Annual Fee Possible
- Finally, Indigo® MasterCard® for Less than Perfect Credit – No Upfront Fees
IF you have made up your mind to get any these unsecured credit cards above, you should take this information very serious;
Note: Never fail to make your payment on time. Make repaying of what you spent a great priority. IF you should fail, know that all unsecured credit card holders are made to pay more than twice as much interest rate as the average credit card holder will do. You will save yourself this extra buck by ensuring that you pay early to reduce the cost late payment will cost you.
What is a bad credit score?
Most financial houses run with a guide that governs their operation. Credit card issue companies over the years have been able to come up with a complete framework that governs how people get credit from them.
A credit score was initiated to rate card users in line with their performance. This score runs from 350 to 850.
Those with good scores get more reward and those with a poor credit score are offered harsher measures to help them limit their spending.
An excellent credit score rating is when your rating falls between 751 – 850.
An excellent credit score is closely followed by a Good Credit score. It runs from 701- 750.
Next is the Fair Credit Score. It runs from 651- 700
The last being bad credit score. This is when your score falls between 350 – 650.
Another popular term used often is the average credit score. This is when your credit falls to 699.
According to statistics, the percentage of U.S. adults who are considered to have bad credit is 27%.
The age range of Americans with the highest average credit score is 55+.
The age range of Americans with the lowest average credit score: 18-24.
Most banks and lenders consider a bad credit score to be less than.650
The average credit score of American consumers: 699.